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Guide To Zimbabwe Flag Meaning and Zimbabwe National Anthem

By Sharon Dee

Officially, the meanings of the colors on the flag are as follows:

• Green: the agriculture and rural areas of Zimbabwe

• Yellow: the wealth of minerals in the country

• Red: the blood shed during the war of the liberation

• Black: the heritage and ethnicity of the native Africans of Zimbabwe

• White: peace

The flag of Zimbabwe was adopted on April 18, 1980. The soapstone bird featured on the flag represents a statuette of a bird found at the ruins of Great Zimbabwe. The bird symbolizes the history of Zimbabwe; the red star beneath it symbolizes the revolutionary struggle for liberation and peace. before 1980, The Flag of Rhodesian existed which changed its colours a few times.

A national flag is the pride of the country and It's a symbol of unity and progress and it's instantly recognisable to Zimbabweans everywhere.

Here are the lyrics to the Zimbabwe National Anthem in English

O lift high the banner,

the flag of Zimbabwe

The symbol of freedom

proclaiming victory;

We praise our heroes’ sacrifice,

And vow to keep our land from foes;

And may the Almighty

protect and bless our land.

O lovely Zimbabwe,

so wondrously adorned

With mountains, and rivers

cascading, flowing free;

May rain abound, and fertile fields;

May we be fed, our labour blessed;

And may the Almighty

protect and bless our land.

O God, we beseech Thee

to bless our native land;

The land of our fathers

bestowed upon us all;

From Zambezi to Limpopo

May leaders be exemplary;

And may the Almighty

protect and bless our land.

For more information visit Zimbabwe Flag for more information about the Zimbabwe Flag and Zimbabwe National Anthem

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