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Zimbabwe Crisis

No water, no food and 4500% inflation and that is just part of the problems that Zimbabwe faces today stated the inquiry to the Online Think Tank. Indeed what could we say except: "Hope all is well, indeed 4500% inflation is a scary thought." We then thought well how did all these problems come about? So we asked him:

What are your thoughts about the taken over of "white farmer's land" and how far along are you on a workable Economic Plan for Zimbabwe?

In college, I did a report on the Economics of Zimbabwee, as my Macro Economics Professor was English and had lived there for many years. Zimbabwe has resources and many things going for it. It is a travesty to see how things have turned out. It is time to turn that ship around - easier said than done. But alas, this gentleman has a complete economic revival plan. So we asked him;

How committed are you to this project? Is this your life's current mission? Are you willing to work with me and make an eBook citing the "real problems" to send a clear message to the world of the crisis and create awareness and state your plan in the eBook and have it ready for Davos 2008, while pre-prepping the powers that be?

Can you have your proposal and an eBook done and get a copy of your proposal down to the last dollar in cost, needed resources, time lines and proformas that show the best and worst case scenarios by then? If so, we must start at once. What is your schedule like between school, can you take on this amount of work load and will your professors also help get this report/eBook into the academic circulation?

And so a new project was born, what would you like to do to change the World? Think on this and get back to us when you decide.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

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